yeh panes penatahan
Hot springs are located in the Yeh Ho river, by the people in familiar with the name of Yeh Panes. This hot water has its own uniqueness that is the presence of natural hot water coming out from under the banyan tree and from the temple. Yeh Panes is a beautiful place and peaceful, with a surviving natural, green and fresh, and the geographical situation of the hilly which provides beautiful scenery and cool. Besides, if we look around the field spread out with a fascinating natural and rice terraces and yellowing. Yeh Panes on the location, there is a waterfall with a fresh wind and no less important source of hot water that comes in the middle of the temple / banyan tree under which merit can cure skin diseases. With the background of a blue mountain Watukaru, make the atmosphere of Yeh Panes becomes cool and comfortable, it is very suitable for recreation (leisure) to eliminate all problems.
The Legend of Yeh Panes which trusted by the people there that once was a kingdom called the kingdom of "Penulisan" with a king named Jaya Wikramayang. At that time the King in a state of suffering from very severe skin. Finally, on a good day, the king accompanied by Ki Dukuh sitting cross-legged and meditate pleading prayers to Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa. Suddenly out of the ground spraying of hot water. Ki Dukuh instructions on, the King advised to bathe every Kajeng Kliwon Uwu to find a cure.
Because of persistence and faith prayer of the King, there is a magic blast of hot water coming out of the ground it had cured the disease of the King. And as a gratitude to God Almighty, the place was built a temple called Pura "We Brahma" or "Toya Anget".
Penatahan village, Penebel district, +/- 13 km from Tabanan City or 34 km from Denpasar